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Nicole Jun 2018
Poison flows through my veins
And I'm ready to attack
Do not come near me
Do not **** with me today
Depression is anger turned inward
And I'm sick of feeling sad
Maybe if I turn my anger outward
I can start to feel better again
They say assertiveness beats aggression
But I need to let it out somehow
EB Poetry Apr 2018
My head swims for freedom
But its given a swimming pool
Enclosed with drowning thoughts
Limited- replaced with your words.

This was no sea to explore,
No song to stick.
But few lines so horrid, so hurtful
As though horns had struck my mind
Leaving me in vein of those
Who have total control.

Soon i had forgotten all those good times
Soon i had forgotten all the bad as well
But there they were- your chorus
And that filled up all there ever was.
Some people underestimate the effect of words. Yes, actions are more reliable and definitely effective but words are not meaningless. Personally, what people say about me is the least of my concern because everyone is going to hate. But specific words get to me. This poem is about a *someone* who was almost my everything and i thought things would only get better. As soon as that someone said so and so, everything changed. This inspired this poem.
Umi Apr 2018
Whereabout of the heart, where might it be ?
When fury is a feeling which engages your senses, your mind and your soul in a raging outburst of negativity expressed in adrenaline,
Everything seems to be one sided, a loop which only fuels your anger with thoughts of unpleasant, disturbing annoyances, making it harder
Harder to resist, until alike a super nova, you explode in a viscious rampage with knows no escape, so, where is the heart ? Where is it?
A tantrum might be encouraged to grow in size if it's revenge you seek, desire, want to live for to make it expire, with violent passion,
Mercy or compassion, forgiveness and simpathy may be forgotten, within the depths of your burning soul, lit ablaze solely by hatred,
You may lose your mind, oh beauty of a living existence, becoming alike a lily of murderous intent, spiteful, yet elegant and wonderful,
A shivering star, ready to take its opponent down with itself while destroying what used to be so precious, unique and simply sweet,
Blemishing the unconscious without thinking of patience or the chance to calm this nuclear meltdown, unfolding in tragedy for us,
The pure light of your praying palms might help in this regard,
Because his remembrance is what makes furious hearts become calm.

~ Umi
Meghan Mar 2018
Listening to the devil
is seeing the
depths of hell
in your
own hands
Wilder Mar 2018
What if I gave you a song of fire
Constantly burning brighter
More than you ever meant to me
More than your songs could ever be
If you knew me
You would not be mean
But I know you don't know
You can't ever understand
My mind is uncontrollable
So what if I gave you a song of fire
Constantly burning brighter
More than you ever meant to me
More then your songs could ever be
I'm not sure where this came from, I found the first line floating through my mind and it needed to escape.
Wicked Mar 2018
I twitch
I shout
Without thinking
I move
I make noise

I don’t have any control

I ****
I yelp
Without thinking
I flick
I whimper

I never had control

I jump
I yell
Without thinking
I twist
I scream

I’ll never have control
mjad Nov 2017
his heart for me has halted
loving me leaves him exhausted
my heart is ever racing
he leaves me craving his embracing
this trouble is not my doing
I know loving me is confusing
but people change uncontrollably
I don't want to live inconsolably
come back to me and love my heart
work with me, I fear we will fall apart
I love you, please, love me
a heartbreak would be deadly
im scared ive already lost him
Leila The Kiwi Jun 2016
"Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you" - Elvis

Rolling through the credits
Of a film,
My sleep-dazed mind
Snapped to full awareness
At the sound of this song.

I've been through it before,
Lept straight through that open door.
I know it's foolish,
I'm not that stupid.
Flowing into a new romance
Right after losing
My first love,
Right after experiencing
Heart break...
You must think I'm insane!
People may say:
"Watch that silly girl, skipping around without a care. Has she forgotten? She'll only hurt herself and that boy. She can't move on yet, it's too soon. Such a foolish girl"

Well, they can speak of me
As they wish;
Curse my name,
Throw it to the depths of Hell,
Be toxic,
Try to poison me.
So I'll run away from him,
Hide my tail between my legs
While I seek out shelter.

But I know one thing
And it's sealed in fact,
This I'm willing to shout:
I can't help falling in love with you!

lib Nov 2017
like a
raging fire
burning, glowing
wild flames
steam rising
crackling popping
red, hot
spreading uncontrollably
who knows
what will
survive, escape
amidst the debris
everything lost
anger, tears

and the
fire fighters
come only
to explain
“source, unknown”
Anomaly Oct 2017
I now know why you left me.
You like to be in control,
But you realised
My flames could not be tamed.
I was a fiery soul,
A force to be reckoned with
And you couldn’t handle me.
Can’t you just accept me, for me?
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