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Casey Rodger Jun 2019
Why is it when i chase the moon it gets smaller and further away?
Always waiting for tomorrow but living in today,
I thought this journey would be brighter as the moon lights my way,
But each ditch and trip that takes me down begs of me to stay.

The air on my skin is cold and the night pitch black,
I'm worried that I've lost you and there's no going back,
A howl in the distance, i hope those wolves attack,
The moon is getting dimmer as it guides me on my track.

Maybe I'll always feel as partial as this moon,
Filled with unknown, deflated like a balloon,
Counting every breath as though I'll see you soon,
What is it that i chase when i chase that elusive moon?
Max Feb 2019
I'm seeing someone often lately, someone I have not seen in a very long time.

It's me.
Finally, my life is back on the track of which it derailed many years ago.
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
Had made some choices,
Were lessons,
Taught me of vices..
Holding faith and fears,
Wiping tears..

Moving ahead,
writing a tale unsaid..

Wont look back,
wont rely on track,
i have my back..

Will do the doing,
No time for undoing,
Thinking or bluing..

Will take a decision,
Then will move to next,
Wont review the ex,
Since time dont check,
U keeping up,
It just pass...
This is our life,our own story, We are its writer. Our each success and failure only belongs to us. This life only belongs to us. Dont be so cautious to live that you miss all the fun.Since nothing is serious in life.
A Simillacrum Nov 2018
((hidden track))

No right
                  No right?

All right
                  All right?

Ever      felt      cursed      before?
                 ­ You kidding me?      I was cursed at birth.
                  You kidding me?      I was cursed at birth.
Ever      felt      cursed      before?

                 ­ All right?
All right

                  No right?
No right

I'm gonna burn up, baby.
And ya gonna burn up, too.
We all gonna end some time,   that's the rule.
And we gonna go enjoy.
Ya gonna burn up, baby.
But ya gonna burn it true.
I'm gonna burn up, baby.
And I gonna burn so free.
I'm gonna burn so free.
I want to genuinely smile and have real friends that make me laugh..
Even more than that - I really want to get my life back on track...
But it's hard to have hope for the future - cause I just can't let go of the past....
July 31, 2018 - 12am(ish)
Maria Etre Oct 2018
Your voice
b lll uuuuu rrrrr eeee dddddd my own
Be shhhhh(quiet)hhhhhh..
I am /ˈlɪs(ə)n/ing
there's a whole
track list I missed
that doesn't play
your name
Survived Sep 2018
When you were there with me
We were dancing with glee

Late night talks, making each other blush,
smiling and laughing were our things
Each day gave me new wings

Thinking about our love i flew-up
Without taking any back-up

Then a day came when you were not there
Even the sun felt hemisphere

I am sitting here, alone in darkness
And wondering how is God so heartless

I waited and missed you a lot
But silence and despondency were what all i got

I'm waiting
And i'll keep waiting 
For you, to come back

If you come around
Please know that someone, you left,
Is waiting for you in the half track.
Edited by Heera
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