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Popleocan Nov 2018
Become a voice.
Without form, without name.
Quieter than silence.
Hot like flame.
Invade insecurities.
Solidify shame.
Take hold of their heart.
And you control their brain.

First, isolation.
We have to **** them alone.
With the rejection of friends.
Seclude them to home.
Tell them their flaws.
Let lonliness remind them.
Tears become waves
Water to drown in.

Build them a raft.
Keep them afloat.
Give them ambition.
Hopes for a boat.
Foster their focus, that dream alone.
No need for friends, family or home.

Their raft distorts waves.
Pushing other ships astray.
Now the final steps, to take life away.

No work is necessary.
The oceans rise and fall.
A wave and its crest.
Will destroy it all.

No ship invincible.
Now they float alone.
No kind of boat can carry them home.
To friends they abandoned.
To family left behind.
The many years at sea,
Turn their hearts unkind.

Now lay back.
Your voice becomes theirs.
No one can save them.
And now no one cares.

No knife
No bludgeon
No rifle
Nor axe.
As the killer, you can finally relax.

Watch as they struggle,
And plead.
Crying for help.
Injesting the sea.
Hearing your voice.
Losing their air.
"No one will help"
"No one will care"

As they now drown
Send them a boat.
Give them the choice of staying afloat.
If they accept it, don't worry its fine.
Their death will come, in some short time.

It takes one small wave.
So simple and quick.
Your voice in their head:
"Jump ship! Jump ship!"
That's all it takes,
To keep them aware.

"No one will help"
"No one will care"

Let the waves pass.
And perhaps the next tide.
It will have been your voice.
That lead them to die.

To **** any man.
You first **** their mind.
And they'll lose themselves.
Under the tide.
BlueInkDitty Oct 2018
Shivering out in the cold,
A feather floated gently,
Out of ways she had been told,
Out of all insanity.

The feather flew with the wind,
Free to take all the wrong roads,
She felt every heart that was to bind,
Free from every tears they crowed.

She saw a glistening light away,
Lost into the night and dark,
She saw a star brightening her way,
With that tender colorful spark.

The feather strived into the gusts,
To reach the star and its glitter,
She fought the murk and knew she must,
Find the warmth of its shimmer.

The higher she went,
The harder it became,
And as her fluff could smell its scent,
The bleak had her stem maimed.

Shivering out on the ground,
A feather cried softly,
And there was no one around,
To hear her stranded love story.
Shiny Star Sep 2018
I've got nobody to lean on.
People are on all the sides.
I am starting to feel like
I'm stranded on an island.
My world is breaking apart.
I am not in control of my ship.
I'm hauled towards icebergs.
This is not the life I'd wanted.
I've got a big smile on my face
Swallowing the raging storm in.
I hide these details of my silly life
Making it look perfect for all eyes.
I need to make a quick escape
Before I'm stranded here forever.
NothingInMotion Aug 2018
Take it to the bridge,
That's where it's meant to be,
It's meant to be remembered,
By lowly lock and key.

It's meant to stay forever,
It should never be forgotten,
It was there the entire time,
Yourself, not nearly so often.

It stayed there through the cold,
It stayed there through the rain,
It meant to stay with you,
Yet you never walked that bridge again.
A Mar 2018
I'm drifting on an endless sea,
All I hear is the rolling waves,
As I drift so quietly,
My hope begins to break.

I'm drifting in this endless sea,
All I see is eternal blue-green,
As I find my heart is silent,
It begins to shatter.

I'm drifting with this endless sea,
All I know is hunger and thirst,
As my old radio crackles,
The last bit of power fades.

I'm drifting on an endless sea,
All I feel is the power of the tide,
As my raft is thrown about,
My body sinks down.

I'm sinking in an endless sea,
All I know is that I'm drowning,
As my breath leaves in a cloud of bubbles,
I begin to die.

I'm floating in this endless sea,
All I feel is fear,
As my hands close around water,
Death is very near.

I'm swimming through this endless sea,
All I see is saltwater,
As my arms desperately stroke,
My lungs taste the air.

I'm treading this endless sea,
All I see is the hull of a ship,
As my arms wave at the crew,
They notice me there.

I'm out of the infinite sea,
All I know is that I'm free,
As a blanket wraps around my shoulders,
I know that it's all right.
A poem on being stranded after a shipwreck.
nick armbrister Jan 2018
nuclear axe
man with an axe must cut the cable
for the h-bomb will go off
and fry them all if he fails
he must sever the power
and risk being fried like a fish
his island mates'lives are his
tho one is already dead
he was the shark bait
to allow his pal's salvation
which will be short lived
if he fails to chop the wire
a big fat wire carrying the juice
a million ******* volts!
the plane is on the way
to give a signal to the trigger
then the bomb will fire
and a sun is born white light style
and the test will be postponed
till the plane crash survivors
are rescued and their story told
the nuclear arms race received
a slight delay to save lives

before the axe
their seaplane crashed by the island
they thought they were safe
but it was fake salvation
for an event was planned
a massive earth shaking event
britain's bomb program continued
based on an old film
ryn Nov 2017
Nursing a head full of questions.
Things left voiceless and unsaid.
Thoughts running errant,
and cracked promises half made.

In my already bloated baggage,
I take in an extra load.
A tourist in a familiar place
stranded by the side of the road.

Should’ve noticed the clues...
Should’ve read the signs along the way...

Now I stand in the middle to nowhere,
reliving yesterday, today.
Cleo Nov 2017
A shrinking shadow
Where else will I find refuge
For my blistered feet
Mary-Rose H Sep 2017
satisfying, glorious purpose
swells my heart
until it's

and begging to
onto a page.
do I do?

do I start?

do I direct this
bundle of
raw motivation?

do I mold it,
shape it
into a helpful,
useful format,
point it in
the direction

How do I
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