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Zywa Apr 6
The world does exist,

finally I know for sure:

I am dying there.
Novel "The Satanic Verses" (1988, Salman Rushdie), chapter 9 A wonderful lamp

Collection "Low gear"
Alan S Bailey Mar 29
So you want to lead me, "us all," to the "truth,"
That there is no excuse and that every day
We need instantaneous "failure proof,"
But I know what you are, you can't hide.
You've taken so many to an early
Retirement already with your "sane" logic.
Please give me a moment so I can find out
What it's like to be on the
"Winning side,"
While I sit here, head reeling,
Strangers passing around at every turn on
This city street, completely and entirely aware
About it all and don't want to let you just
Simply pass for normal. It's like this feet that you must commit
To, I'm a victim of your shameless charade,
Lucky me, I am the bad one who has to get out of the car.
That every thing I have ever accomplished means
Absolutely nothing
Simply because it isn't
Bea Rae Mar 28
Will the ghost of you

Haunt me if I cannot let you go

After you leave me
Bea Rae Mar 24
I'm going to miss you.

For days, months, years;
For the rest of my life.

I am going to miss you.

I am sure you will invade my thoughts when I least expect it.
Like when I drink my morning coffee, find a new song or book, or when I hear a laugh similar to yours.

I am going to miss you.

Many things do not last,
But I know my thoughts, feelings, and memories of you will never die.

Even though, at times, I will not want to,
I am going to miss you.
Zywa Mar 23
The fairy tales are

over, since then they just tell --

how it really is.
Novella "De grote wereld" ("The upper world", 2006, Arthur Japin), chapter 2

Collection "Held/True"
Bea Rae Mar 22
Despite of every

Little thing you put me through

I loved you selflessly
Lydia Mar 21
those rainy day, gloomy doom moods still hit me,
the adrenaline of chasing a high even if it’s no good still gets me,
I still crave those moments of breaking the barrier and pushing limits,
self sabotage for the fun of it, to be reckless just because we’re here on this planet once,
as far as we know

the Wild in me still has legs that want to run
to feel and taste freedom like I can have whatever I want,
these days she’s just in bed by 8:30 having wild dreams instead
el Mar 20
a perfect canvas can get away with anything,
even destruction.
nothing done to it will destroy it, only make it shine.
add this, and add that.
pile on all the things that made everybody else undesirable.
instead of revolting, you become art.
was it a transformation of the hands or one of the eyes?
it’s like you had become adorned with colour and shine
instead of a veil to hide your reality.
the blandness beneath,
or the stark truth behind you.

mayhap it was a transformation of the heart.
it seems as though one may have bartered their life
just to be worthy of a glimpse
for five more minutes.
perhaps not merely a glimpse,
more, a lifetime.
what is it about
Dropping Down the Surmise,
Life gives us Surprise.
Choices are different,
On which we often torment.
Committing blunders,
Later we wonder.
Regrets possess us
Guilt invokes us.
And The Expression of awe,
In the vicinity of foe!!
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