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Sillage Oct 2015
In the gravityless field
Like a dusty bursting cloud
We begin

In the southern Milky Way
You decide to collapse with my day
In a binary pair system
You and I go astray

In a distance within a cluster
We gravitate in a mutual orbit
With wrongdoing and rightdoing we linger
But the fire decides to stay

As our heat moves outward
Our hidden affair expands
We use up all our love fuel
Like a high star mass we explode
A supernovae self destroyed
Leaving a neutron star to our end
Jun 1, 2015
A love story in a life cycle of a star
Sydney Marie Sep 2014
It's a Sphere we live in. This circle of us, created by us, lived by us. Within the never ending shape we rage wars and make love, hold rally's and hands, we run, we cry, we fall, we learn. We evolve. What will become, 20, 30, 300 years from now? This Sphere we live in was meant to be flat.
Una Walters Apr 2014
My love for you is like the tides,
always changing yet always strong.

Sometimes you crash into my head and other times you slowly creep your way in.

Yet one thing always stays the same

It is commanded by you, the moon.

It's hard to imagine something as massive as an ocean being controlled by something as simple as the moon.

You are my moon.
Hold that power carefully.

— The End —