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Descovia Feb 2021
Allow the deceased to rest.

Let them live on in your memories of love!

Where they will forever remain.

Your connection with your loved one, whom is no longer of this world.

Resting on in paradise, sending reminders in dreams, a  "soul bond" cannot be broken!
Kayla Nov 2020
The bright shining rays that the summer sun always seems to bring, escapes through your smile without fail every time I’m with you. Even at the start of a crisp winter, as the fluffy snow begins to set, your laugh will always remind me of the smell of morning dew resting on a lawn of freshly mowed grass. As your eyes light up and the sun begins to hit them. I can feel the lilacs start to bloom, and the bees buzz as they make the honey that also happens to remind me of you, since I cant help but stick to you whenever I’m by your side.
Be all of this as it may, you yourself are not some extravagant iris or tulip, but a little yellow dandelion that happened to wander into my peaceful garden of eden.
I’m not angry about this, I’m not even annoyed. Dandelions are plentiful yet beautiful and vibrant flowers that I cant help but stop and stare at when I see one, much less a flurry of them.
So just remember when you’re at your lowest low and, can only think of yourself as a ****, I yearn for you to know that through my eyes I see a lively powerful flower that can take over an entire garden of asters, daisies, and daffodils with a little tough love, all you need is the courage to do so and you can take over the world just as you did my heart.

My darling you’re the light of my life I only wish for you to see how amazing you truly are, and one day I know you will.
standing, on the edge of a glass ledge
my will to live becomes a limiting factor
oh my mind ponders,
moments of laughter,
moments of wonder,
moments of my happily ever after
all of them lead to this one right here.
will I fall?  or keep soaring in vain
writing another piece.

I'm in the darkest phase of my life, but poetry gives me hope.
Marisela Veludo Sep 2020
Butterflies feeling
A sparkle so daring
A flame so strong
What went wrong , what went wrong.

Laughters of excitement
My soul's best treatment
Lips locked in kisses
A spell from the witches

Titanic and convulsive hugs
Feeling high on passion's drugs
Longing eachother
Be with you I'd rather

A love that bloomed so wide
Where is it now, is it in hide?
Its slipping, its withering away
Loosing my grip can't let it stay

Butterflies feeling
A sparkle so daring
A flame so strong
What went wrong , what went wrong.
Jacob Jauregui Aug 2020
When lightning has taken your eyes
And you feel like falling rain
With thunder just yelling your name
I can wait inside with you
As we wait for a brighter view

And when every tear
has had it's chance
To warm up to the day
from their blade of grass
The sun will pick them up
And we will be on our way
Dew dew dew
Cause It's a brand new day
Erika Aug 2020
it is nearly midnight

and I see her

in all of her elegance

dancing through the trees,

calling me to her.

she radiates,

glows with a light so pure

so ethereal

I almost weep

for what did I do

to deserve the treasure

that is

the moon
I was outside earlier, and I swear the moon was a little brighter. It caused my imagination to run wild, but I’m satisfied with the result.
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Integrity is a virtue that is a choice to learn and uphold,
Not something that we are born with

I shouldve posted this back in July but here we are...
This is something that has been weighing on my heart really...
I've honestly made strides to be a better person with better integrity in life.
I have made alot of mistakes in my life...
And there are times where I dont even feel worthy or deserving to be wordsmith. As much as I practice my craft, I always feel like I truly dont deserve the blessings I have when I think of past mistakes.
As I get older, it's really dawned on me the magnitude of my bad choices.
And I do want to work towards being a better individual.
I really fear the day where one of my bad choices will cost me all I love dearly, because now I truly understand and appreciative the writing craft as well as art in general. I've vowed to start again, I'm reading and relearning from the greats and more artists what it means to be an artist.
This one is for you, Cessna.
I made such an injustice towards you and no words can express my deepest sorrows. But know that I own up to my mistakes, my bad choice and i have learned from the very beginning again. I'm becoming more relentless in studying the written word.
I truly want to begin again...
I may not deserve such forgiveness but I wanted to make it know at least.
I'm truly sorry.
I'll keep working on myself and keep moving forward.
Robin Green Jul 2020
To hear his voice my body reacts
It starts to tingle as a matter of fact
I crave to once again  be held in his arms
To feel his protection from any harm
When I hear from him my mood is at its best
My heart starts thumping in my chest
To feel his touch starts my desire
When he kisses me I feel on fire
Oh yes I do start to tingle
Ready for our bodies to mingle
He is always gentle loving caring and kind
We touch each others heart body soul and mind
I know in my life I want him to stay
For I love this amazing man in every way!
Cj Jun 2020
Why did you decide today
To bring that up
I thought I had apologized and we had made-up
All I want from you and for me
Is to speak with civility
I dont like to raise my volume
Just to feel like I've been heard
What ever happened to being grown-up
We do not disagree
So why are we yelling
You complain to my face
Say my friends they lack grace
That I am too flighty
You say you just want a rock
To hold you down and be your anchor

I sit deep in thought and lay out a plan
As your man I cannot be your rock
For rocks sit still and degrade
But your mighty oak I will be
For they are anchors
But they are ever-growing as I plan to be
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