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Hunger Jan 2019
I am always losing friends,
my love never meets their ends,
i never amount to what they wish,
i never serve them the right dish,
of care and love,
now i am just a dead dove,
i am suffocated in dying peace,
drowning in it as if it were grease,
please don't leave me in this despair,
i will lose my mind but they won't care,
the always leave,
i never receive,
the love i know i deserve,
to think they have enough nerve,
to take my everything,
and not one gift of love they bring,
i am done with friends for life,
they are nothing but sickness and strife.
EmotionalPoet Jan 2019
You're just another ******* hidden under the name of God.
You're soon to be 40
I'm nowhere near 30
I hate you so much now, I only wish you bad
I hope you'll die soon, wasn't your plan to be closer to God?
All your ******* stupid beliefs broke us apart.
And I feel a LOSER falling in your trap of love.
I hope you'll read this and understand that you shouldn't exist
A mistake you were always, an angry ******* beast.
So upset with my ex. Tired of all the things I had to go through for him. I'm tired of thinking about him.
Eleanor Sinclair Nov 2018
Maybe in another life I will be something less painful than a human
Fewer feelings and emotions and ridiculous devotions
Perhaps a butterfly so I may sprout wings to go wherever I please
To escape when I want and live among the trees
To be free from the mortal bonds which bind me still
Being crushed by those who see me as a bent and dying daffodil
I am viewed as a damaged and battered being
Yet it seems as though my outside casing is the only thing people are seeing
My mind is quiet foggy but my folded stems are not painful
They just distort my appearance and for that I'm quiet thankful
Because if those who care were to ignore my imperfections
Then by chance I could avoid societal dissection
Let me return as a creature without sense or thought
Then I will never be caught thinking of what I used to be
I'll be free from the prospect that the world ruined me
I thought I was alone in this place of misery
But I was soon brought out and could see clearly, instantly
Love was the lens I needed for sight
But now like the butterfly, it has left to take flight
There once was a time when the world brought me joy
Until I found people who sadistically poison and destroy
Now I again must revert back to nature
In the end it is all I have left...
Sooner or later
Unknown Jul 2018
I will forever and always be known as the 'quiet girl',
the one that does not talk,
is too quiet for her own good,
and is considered weird.

"why don't you talk?" they ask,
"you're so emotionless, talk more."
"smile more."

your words hurt me, over and over again.
why will no one accept me for the way I am?
your very own words make me hate myself.

hate how quiet I am,
hate how I enjoy being in my own thoughts,
hate who I am as a person.

even when I try to talk more, you knock me down with your -
"wow, she's actually talking."
because being 'quiet' isn't cute nor hot to others.

I will forever and always be known as the "quiet girl"
and I  f e a r  that I will always hate myself for being quiet.
for those who feel as though they are judged by their quietness, for those who feel like no one understands and accepts the way they are.

side note: this is a huge problem I have been dealing with this year and I encourage you to use your words nicely and maybe approach someone if they look lonely. it makes us feel like someone actuallycares about us.
Saint Audrey Jun 2018
A blinding
Hopeless inclination towards a blending of nostalgia
And something just a twinge surreal.
Too enraptured, perhaps, or too locked inside the senses
The search takes me places, to small shards that I don't quite comprehend.
Still unsure why, if I can't, or I just don't want to.

It's old and familiar
Soaking in solitude, rife with memory.
Touched lightly by the hem of rose tint, blooming in the spreading flames.
As the old wooden paneling, tried as a tinderbox
Begins to peel away, affected by the heat.
A fire, awakening with the first rays of morning.
To warm up the little room, as the walls softly fall, turning to ashes.
Revealing the bare frame.
And the fauna outside begins to show itself
Sprinkled with dew, gently coaxing away the flames.
Rooted too close, it would seem
As they progress, slowly wither under ash

But for now, I still crawl through creation.
Hopeless, I'll never recapture...
Ignoring new context, engulfed in this fruitless rapture
With the past still dancing through my head.
There’s too much venom in our veins,
This will never feel the same.
Even our midnight talks about the deepest parts of our hearts are filled with the pain we can’t let go.
Like we’re at each other’s throats.
We could be as many years removed as we please but you and me can never be,
As close as we were so sure we were something unique.
Surely nothing would break us but here we are shattered and the only thing we see is who we were in that moment.
And those people are different on both sides and you have the audacity to call me arrogant while in the same breath you refuse to acknowledge your fault in all of this.
Guilty of so much I will be the bigger person and slink away and let you take your place in some far away maybe I’ve let go of long ago.
I’m not built for this.
Too many goodbyes have passed my lips but here’s to one more, hoping I can cry about one less girl.
Keep my thoughts to myself until you leave and find that no matter how hard I try I can’t keep this inside.
It’s over. It’s done.
God put you in my life for a reason but I’m done listening to false hope.
You will always see yourself as superior, just as you always have and I will be a window to other things.
Well I’m not opening for you again.
Contoured Oct 2017
In an alternate world,
Everything was fine.
I could love them all,
The attention was mine.

The problem is,
That world doesn't exist.
I live in reality,
Directly in the midst.

My mind is erratic,
I can't take much more.
My heart is numb,
And my conscience sore.

For all these problems,
I am the host.
We've all made mistakes,
But I've made the most.
Nakia Oct 2017
You are brutal
Intoxicatingly beautiful
Filling each part of me like i'm some kind of void
We come together
An explosion of hate and toxicity
I hate how perfect you are
I hate how much you make me love you
We fight like cats and dogs
and then
We love one another so much
We squeeze every ounce of pain away in our embrace
But you are brutal
Words so hurtful and vile don't feel like kisses
Thoughts so black and twisted don't allow things to grow
We are living proof
When a volcano meets a tornado
I would end it all and leave
I would tell you about yourself
I would hate you
I would let you see how much you've hurt me
How much you captivate me
If you weren't so brutal
If you weren't so beautifully hurtful
I love you
This isn't about me, I just wrote it.
*******!- where do I start?
This whole word has us all tearing each other apart,-
“White is Black?
Black is white?,-
Which one is better, I just can’t decide.”

This is all *******. How many of you ever had the experience?
They throw it in our face to keep us segregated.
“So, yeah eventually, they’ll tear each other at the seams,
Pull away from each other and start a war for you and me,”
You see it’s all about the money,
And I find it pretty funny,
How they keep the system running,
How they keep us brainwashed, always grunting,
“Stupid white crackers,
Black people matters.
Anorexics just get fatter,
Bigger ******* get thinner faster.
Dark people whine,
They don’t even take the time,
To realize, that everybody matters,”
While you sit there making patterns!

We are judged by the clothes we wear,-
Despised because life isn’t fair,
Controlled by society,
These things deep inside of me.
I strive to make a difference.
Let everyone know, this world we’re living in,
Is only tearing us apart controlling you and him,-
When everything is about looks,
When everyone’s stuck in the hooks,
Where the only people who really took,-
The time to sit back and,-
That the only real problem is one that we all just need to solve then,
And that is greed.
And I know what you mean,
When you say it’s in every phene,
In everyone,-
But if we could just flip the table,
And rewrite the constitution of this fable,-
Create a new story,
A whole new series to a book with a mile to go,
With a pretty perfect ending if we get it together for sure,
But it took a lot of,
Strong people,
Like General George Washington,
Or Abraham Lincoln who believed in truth, again-
We all need to agree on a change,
One that everyone will gain,
Stop making yourself insane,
It’s just the stupid ******* game!

We are programed to believe that “Oh it’s is here and it’s a thing”
So you follow it so mindlessly,
You’re being told what to and not, you’re being controlled by the world’s twisted knot.
They got you wrapped around their finger, telling who they think is better,
Do you even do your research?
Bet you’re a sheep just like your “leader”,-

They only give you what you need,
To live in greed,
Be so obscene,
They only feed you pretty lies,
Open your eyes,

You can’t see the things they throw at you,
You’re so busy getting what you need,
Striving for that newer thing,
Letting everyone think you got money,
Cause, oh it’s just a little bling;

It’s distractions from the plot,
The reason you gotta trot,
Like a little tiny puppy walking around on legs so stubby,
But it’s like the same thing,
You they are owning!
Able to manipulate the minds of the mature,
Minds of all the children and taking them away from human nature,-

I say,
Just go and preach the truth, ain’t nobody gonna stop you.
If they shut you down,
Just come back around,
We hear you.
All the people who know what’s up,
They will stand so please look up,
Just go and release the world, do it for me,
For the people sick and tired of this god forsaken world.
We have truly gone too far,
Just look at who we are,
If an author were to describe us as a whole we are more like crashing cars.
This world can’t go nowhere but up,
Well it can but don’t let it get too corrupt.

Maybe it is I don’t know I’m just writing a poem,
And I’m pouring out my soul.
Brent Kincaid Aug 2017
We should throw a party and then
Dump a Trump
Give Trump lumps
Make him jump.
Drag him over the same kind of bumps
He dragged us and laughed at us.

Dump a Trump!
Deserves a massive thump;
He’s a whiny grump!
Dump a Trump!
Anyone who has the name of Trump
Should kiss our collective ****!

We should get together and just
Dump a Trump
Oust that schlump
To the city dump.
Treat him like he treated those before
And send him home on a city bus.

Dump a Trump!
Deserves a massive thump;
He’s a whiny grump!
Dump a Trump!
Anyone who has the name of Trump
Should kiss our collective ****!

Let's call a convention and
Dump a Trump!
He’s a festering clump
As dim as Forest Gump.
New Yorkers call him a stupid ****.
We hope all see that he is finally busted
That his former shine is obviously rusted.

Dump a Trump!
Deserves a massive thump!
He’s a whiny grump!
Dump a Trump!
Anyone who has the name of Trump
Should kiss our collective ****!
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