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Hillary B Apr 2018
being driven off a cliff isn’t too bad
other than the cold breeze
and that song that ended too soon
the butterflies even eventually fade
but man, let me tell you about the view
clouds danced with the horizon
the setting sun peaked through
Bob Ross would’ve envied my last adieu

sea gulls hovering
waves crashed over dunes
ocean mist floating freely
my head was stuck on stupid ****
bills unpaid
plants unwatered
I wondered what you’d assume

You'd search for something rational
Maybe a faulty barricade
or a curve that I hit too soon
positive I had been a little reckless
in fact those are partially true
I don’t know how to tell you
the real answer was you
Rick Warr Dec 2017
man and woman are one
when wooing alchemy is done
when what is man is
wanted so bad by woman

and what is woman
is wanted so bad by man

touch and tease
tantalise and squeeze
till joined in genital congregation
speaking tongues of lustful sensation
become feverishly driven
in procreational oblivion
till peaks are reached
till urges are beached

but fluids are blended
and the seed is sown
deep inside
where it may be grown
Mary-Rose H Sep 2017
satisfying, glorious purpose
swells my heart
until it's

and begging to
onto a page.
do I do?

do I start?

do I direct this
bundle of
raw motivation?

do I mold it,
shape it
into a helpful,
useful format,
point it in
the direction

How do I
Britney Lyn Jul 2017
She was just a girl whose eyes were constantly filled with the darkness that ate holes in her soul.
ADS Mar 2017
It chips away at me
Makes me hungry
Hungry to be successful
Hungry to be the best I can be
Hungry to be the center of attention
A hunger I can never satisfy
A hunger that eats away everything
It starves me when I'm content
It has burrowed deep inside me
I can't rid this being that consumes me
I can't drown it
I can't feed it
I can't see it
Because it's taken over every part that makes me me
There's no lonelier feeling
Its difficult feeling like I am one of the very few that has the desire too do great things.
D Mar 2017
If I told you about everything,
  all the truth kept locked inside
If I made you a promise that
  forbade me to lie
I'd tell you how ****** up I am,
  of the thoughts I keep at bay
I'd show you all the scars I've made,
  then I'd run away
If I couldn't hide myself behind
  my broken shades
There would be no point in living,
  my life driven by my shame
I'm going to reflect on this
When a woman explores the deeper meaning of who she is, she is unstoppable.
When she decides to dry her eyes, apply those red lipstick on her lips and become irrisistable.

Her mind is made up, because she was tired of being fed up.
That woman is fierce, driven and is prepared to shatter glass ceilings because she has now found the meaning.

Skipping empty pages hiding her stories...she now fill them with words she was once so afraid to speak, love made her weak.
Look at her now, shattering glass ceilings and she wears her pain well,

She was overwhelmed but she overcame. Without fame she turned heads. I see that woman in me, once possessed by feelings.
She is the daughter of the father who weds her mother...shattering glass ceilings.

Alienpoet Jul 2016
I am the message, I inspire
set souls on fire.
A vestige of hope in days of darkness
I speak words of revolution
I can be the solution if you act now
so don't detract from the words I am saying
and the message given
which is driven home with concrete verbs and feeling
sealing the change for the future
I teach I nuture souls with love and not disdain
I heal the pain of the poor
but i shame the guilty with words fired like justice driven arrows
to make them atone for their sins
but I let them change themselves within
and their ways
I am the message
think feel me
absorb my words.
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