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The world could remain gas and fume,
The woe could remain lonely doom,
The words could avoid the plume,
The wilt could avoid the bloom;
If the womb could be my tomb.
I'm rarely dreaming.
Waking from a rarely dreaming,
I'm always screaming.
Only in my head, without a single sound,
But it's still far too loud.

Realities are deceiving.
I'm never sure of when I'm dreaming;
I'm always waiting for awaking.
The thoughts and doubts form a crowd;
I cannot look around.

I'm barely sleeping.
I'm afraid I will wake up in the evening,
And it's still the evening.
Being alone, in the deep night drowned,
Dreams or deeds astound.

It's a funny feeling.
The morning should be relieving,
Even if it's without meaning.
At least, I could be sure of the ground,
Not just being without a bound.

Am I dreaming?
I have no landmarks steering;
I might be sleeping.
Dream in a dream in a dream sowed;
In a mind that may be underground.
LearnfromBOBD Jul 2019
Men ain’t enough
Where’s my beloved
Been waiting and hoping
he comes too soon.
I’m 28.
Still waiting and praying.
I asked,
Does a patient dog still eat the fattest bone ?
I’m the one getting fatter and the patient getting slimmer
Who I’m I waiting for,
A perfect man? A boomerang ?
Gosh !
But I’m not  born by mistake
Still wondering why the wait
He may be a womanizer,
yet to repent.
But yet am keeping and keeping.
Denying and still denying many.
Who am I waiting for!
When he comes,
Will I welcome his presence ?
What of if his bad side comes back,
Will I regret not flirting when I needed to?
What I resist, hope it won’t be what I can’t do without ?
Will he give me when I need it.
Resist  patient perfect
ok okay Apr 2019
Let me die and take me to nowhere
nowhere is better than heaven !
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
A, B, C, and D,
started getting along
and were
somewhat happy.
Who knew that a
Person F
would come and make
such a mess.
The letters started fighting,
No one liked that
Person F
who came and made so much distress.
But little did the letters know
that there were
letters still to show...
Person F is here!
For all who read my last poem about letters, here is the Person F you've been waiting for! I know it's not exactly in alphabetical order, but I hope you can still enjoy it!
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
Person A
Person B
were together and
very happy.
Then came along a
Person C
and kinda ruined everything.
But to make things
a bit
more crazy,
came along a
Person D.
Now person
A, B, C, and D
are anything but happy.
Who knew that
letters of the alphabet
could be so nasty.
Inspiration came when one of my friends was explaining a confusing matter to me, and was using letters instead of name(which is good in some cases).
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