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JKirin Jul 2021
Only fools would lock birds in a cage.
There they grow, and with them grows their rage.

In their eyes you can see the desire
to break free, to tear down the barbed wire,
and to launch at their captor, with claws—
sinking deep in his flesh all because—

—only fools would lock birds in a cage,
where they grow, and with them grows their rage.
about an internal rage of a being in captivity
Carmen Jane Jul 2021
Opened eyelids won’t let you see
What’s here right in front of you
Cherished  dreams that lies beneath
Your broken soul, they say they’re true

As life goes on, we all do change
And fit no more in the same place
We feel entrapped in  a golden cage
We smile with tears that run down our face

We search our purpose in old pockets
We know to hope for better days
We see the future in shooting rockets
Cause we all hope for a better place
Shofi Ahmed Jul 2021
One dies one born
has one forgot
life is not gone?
One comes opens
a caged bird's door
eye on for
a new destination
life goes on!
Kairi Apr 2021
They crushed her soul
Burned her body
What was remained ...
Was the cage ... Untouched ...
David Naumann Mar 2021
Blackbird sitting on the windowsill,
out of the cage and still not knowing.
Trying to think of flying or staying still,
as not wanting to stay but no point in flying.

Blackbird looking out to the ground outside,
seeing other birds flying up, up and away.
Dreaming of a chance to break free and soar in the skies,
being grounded by the thought that today is not the day.

Today is not the day to fly,
fly with the pain of everything associated with departure.
Today is not the day to say goodbye,
goodbye to all the bad and the good whichever is harder.

Blackbird looking out the window and just hopin',
without realizing the window was open.
Do you clip your own wings?
Juliana Mar 2021
A glass box, sitting on the wooden shelf carved
by an unknown soul, in an unknown time.
The box is solid, invisible, humane.
The creature who lives there is trapped,
yet he does not know anything else.

This box, his glass prison, is his whole world.
His freedom, his nature, it is here he travels
from one side of his spaceless cage to another,
searching for a purpose; a meaning.

Yet how can there be any meaning
when one’s life consists of a water jug,
filed down wood trimmings, a few brown
pellets, and a spinning wheel.

The wheel, and its monotonous motion,
saddens me. There is no destination, no
ending goal, just energy wasted on a lifetime
of potential. The poor creature had such
potential. If only he could leave his cage.
Preet Mar 2021
A little bird in the cage,
A cage with invisible bars
getting dense with every passing second,
The more she tries to free herself, the more it bites on her skin,
leaving scars, imprinting her mind and soul,
The cage has thorn around it,
Getting sharpen with every edgy spell of her kinship
The more they do, the more sharp are the thorns,
the more they cut, the heavier she bleeds.
The more they misinterpret her shrieks,
The more her wings get shattered.
A helpless little bird in the cage,
Lies in the pool of her blood,
Trying to get out of unbreakable rage.
If this infinite cage
Means your undying love
Then give me the key.

Sure, I'm pretty on the eyes
But don't shade mine,
I need to see.

I've told you before
To let go,
to set me free

You say I don't understand.
But if I want to know
I've got to flee.

I don't want your love,
I want wings.
Don't clip them, let me be.

I'll be home by high tea.
Anyone can lie.
I'm not coming home.
I've seen mine, now accept your reality.
Farheen Khan Jan 2021
You aren't the caged bird who dreams of the sky
Instead you have the whole sky
It's simply that some fellow beings have made you believed that you aren't capable of the sky .....

False for every being that made you feel any less that who you truly are,
Which is
Not the caged bird
Of the SKY
Four walls of insanity
Keep me boxed in
I used to think I was safe
Now I only wish to escape
The box is my home
Inside it I am alone
Four walls of insanity
Keep me boxed in
i am boxed in
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