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LC Apr 2022
My body is sixty percent water,
and I attempt to float with the oil,
coasting with closed eyes and mind.
But I am sinking to the bottom of the glass,
where cold, hard rocks bruise with the truth,
and I press my hands to the glass to keep myself standing.

Although the rocks ground me,
the submersion chokes my throat.
If I crack the glass with my bare hands,
the acid-laced arrows will lacerate my back,
and I will be a trembling target fading into mist.
but the gentle breeze will greet me with open arms.
Day 2 of Escapril! The prompt was "separation." I hope you enjoy it!
lua Feb 2022
i can feel his words
like water
on my skin
dripping between my fingers

i feel them sway
and ripple when i touch
yet pouring into my bloodstream
my soul

he's thunderous
zapping me with emotions
i never knew the names of

his movements are a breath of fresh air
carrying whispers in the breeze

and yet he packs his things
and leaves with the seasons.
My Dear Poet Jan 2022
I waited for the breeze
to ******* the fragrance of your hair
your curls were caught in the wind
your strands strangled me of air
I waited for the breeze
to ******* the scent of your skin
but the sweetest of oils from your pores
were diamanté drops dried by the wind
I waited for the breeze to bring me
the fresh breath of your mouth
The wind welcomed the smoke
I chocked, crying like a cloud

If you asked me, to get to you
which of the two would I cease?
I would have enslaved the wind
my love, and set free the breeze
Carl D'Souza Oct 2021
I once rode a horse along a lovely beach.
Its hooves flicking waves and sand
onto my hands and feet.
I enjoyed the breeze through my hair,
I breathed deep into my lungs,
I breathed the smell of ocean spray and horse hair
and fun!
Brumous Oct 2021
gone was you,
and gone was I

I search the wind, saying
"where am I?"
Mark Wanless Sep 2021
breath of solstice breeze
lilac tipped with sun dried grass
cicadas sharp chant
Oh swaying willow tree
lower your branches cover me.
I am so cold without thee.
You're so green and gentle..
give me oxigen and shade,
you bow down gently
as in reverence yet detached
I feel more than gratitude
I too am detached as breeze!
In wonderment of your face
feel my breeze under
your starry sky

You like a hungry kitten
sensing timing to run for it
may it be that my pyramid's
wise winds shake your trunk,
to leaveless ****
blushing in your branches?
Are your hidden
fruits any ripe
you do sway delightfully
My frozen cocoone is detached
my tiny feet from my butterfly
might slightly tickle your fancy
as I voraciously neeble on
your green golden leaves?
will you fear my strong breeze
wild Autumn winds
as your branch may get
By;Mr and Mrs Andrews.
With Karijinbba.
sergiodib Aug 2021
The sea rolls his waves
Smoothly to the shore;
From the dunes  
Shrubs of prickly juniper
Scrutinize the horizon.
Burning summer but
Cool winds softly whisper
moments of eternity.

Two seagulls head for the moon,
Hoping to dive into pristine waters
In this declining afternoon.

The breeze made an impression through the night
That of a warrior back from a fight
The place all glorious by its precious presence
The winds had no say tonight
The breeze was gentle
Tenderly it spoke to the million leaves
The street lights glimmered
The crickets sung their song
Like the jingling anklets of a danseuse
On a musical night

Written 31st July
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