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forestfaith Jun 2018
I am so thankful,
so grateful that you look at the good in me.

I appreciate it.
That you chose to see and focus on what I did right.

You focused on that one thing I did right.
That one thing I have done right.
You didn't rehearse all that I have done wrong.
You didn't do that.
You were angry, yes, but not for long.

You saw the good in me.
Anf you chose to focus on it.
I might have rebelled against you, hated you and hissed at you.
But when I came home to you, you ran towards me.
Kissing me all over.
Happy that I have come back home to you.

Thank you.
Truly I say thank you.
Thank. You.
thank you, God. For looking at what I do right and you didn't rehearse all that I have done wrong in your eyes.

You guys could also check out Luke 15 of the Bible to see the fantastic Parable of the Prodigal Son!
S Smoothie Feb 2018
The midnight moonlight strained through the veils that hung either side of the old house's glass soul garners beset in lead white painted frames; trickling  onto heavily treaded, rich walnut boards. It was an inviting tease, but seemed so far away than it did last midnight. The clock hadn't quite struck the hour, but sensing it was close began anticipating when...

A tiny draft nudged the curtains ever so lightly, elegantly. The darkness of the last days had taken their toll. Everything seemed to protest the efforts funneled into escaping the swallowing coverlet of the bed. But the moon beckoned and its call was a sadness  too  loud to ignore. A moment  of resolve had the tenses at readiness and just as the final vault was about to be taken,  the chimes heralded the hour.

Startled, the vague  sense that a third chime had resonated, releasing its self into the night and melding with the walls into silence. Senses finally consorted themselves into some less vague awareness.  The clock's official count had begun...4...5...6...7 ...8 - a beat as always on the ninth, a quiver 10... 11...12... a delicate fade for 12th's swan song . the hungry serpent slience, quickly swallowed the room once more.

It's hard not to think in the deafening silence. It seems to breed thoughts from mere dust particles, like those captured by the moonstreams  pouring  through and making rivulets between the textures of the worn grains of the heavy wooden boards.

Staring at the glowing, gently suspended swirling particles, lit and extinguished as they dipped in and out of the pale blue-grey filems. They seemed so happy elegantly dancing in the moonlight. Envy struck a renewed a determination to bathe in its entrancing soft light.

Desperate muscles fired and the old bed protested from such a vigerous rousing and flung its squatter into the abyss! Suddenly  falling to the floor helplessly in an unexpected motion. A frozen moment spent an eternity registering its self in the senses. A blink and acknowledgement. A second blink confirming the ridiculous state of affairs! Lying like a broken puppet waiting for some other source of mobility as the mental strings were tugged one by one working its way around asertaining possible movements that would not further confound the tangled mess of limbs.

Slowly a plan emerges. Gathering the strings drawing up limbs propped against the still protesting creaks of the old bed. A final heave and a somewhat vertical slant, gave way to vertigo. Wafting centrivically left to right anchored by arms clutching screaking posts. Pressed Darkness from obedient lids offered a slight repreive.

The  moon waited paitently, peaking under and over a bevy of clouds. Heartbeats counted down the long voyage to the land of respite. The beauty called hauntingly, telling of a wanting so powerful, so necessary,  that eyes and moon ached in symphony.

The  whole house seemed to want to urge on the meeting of moonbeams  and iris. The cool air coalesced around uncertain feet placing invisible wings upon ankles. One foot drawn slightly past the other slid on cool waxed boards.

Enforced  Blindness seemed to be fitting as hands reached out for the window seat. An endless push and desperatte fumbling finally succeed in finding the hard ledge and once heaved up by protesting muscles onto the fitted cushion with the throw wrestled awkwardly and finally drawn up and over, a deep breath took in the fragrant night air.

Sitting quietly for a moment, listening to the faint fllutters of the winds secrets. The moonlight gently pressing into the translucence of thin eye lids urged sweetly to be admired with a sincere promise of exceeding the glowing return. Slowly, unable to resist such gentle persuasion,  a readiness creeped through gathering momentum and eyes slowly flickered open absorbing the beauty. The warmth of relief welled up.  The moon, appreciated so, shined its best!  Having been so lost in quiet symbiotics, the ambience was suddenly pierced, as a solitary chime brought with it, the reminder that one is alone, like the moon in a sea of stars.

Some things are worth it.  Appreciation is a lost art left to those who are happy or dying.
emmaa Jan 2018
i would understand it
how they treat me
if i were cruel
if i never tried
if i didn’t care
if i weren’t easy-going
if i had different friends
if i put up with *******
if i were quiet
if i couldn’t think for myself
if i were stupid enough to

except i’m not those things
so i don’t understand
i don’t understand how they could
walk all over me
ignore me
say mean things
lie to me
lie about me
patronize me
tell me to hush
put me down
make me feel like this

when all i ever do
is try my best
not to be like them

to be better
mumu Dec 2017
This is who you are.
No. You are not.
You are Ugly.
To be specific
You are a girl full of insecurities.
You are a girl full of envy in veins—
Yes. You are.
Are you Self worth?
Are you Confident?
You are not.
Are you the girl who always compare herself to others?
Are you the girl who cannot standout?
Are you the girl who cannot make her own light?
Yes you are.
Are you loved?
You are not wanted.
(Don't forget to read it backward :))

This new year, let us have a new perspective about your self. You are beautiful. Please remember that.
Kee Mar 2017
leaves fall
scattered in vast colors
auburn, green, pale yellow, burnt orange
a beauty not appreciated
a beauty passed up
a beauty misinterpreted
a beauty forgotten
a beauty gone
cass Jun 2016
I see the way she see's you, but i don't understand
Everything you do, giving your all, asking for guidance; afraid of the fall
Such harsh words, such meaningless looks; so strange because with all the good things i have to say about you i could fill books
Unappreciated, Overlooked; I think her life with you in it is overbooked
She wants your everything including your all, but i so often see how she can make you feel so small
Such a brilliant mind, and such sweet eyes, i always enjoy our lingering goodbyes
I hope you don't feel stuck, i really hope you're in love
to the boy who deserves the world and has the world to give
Marcus Belcher Jan 2016
Love those who accept blame
Along with the power
The greatest human beings
There in your darkest hour
Thank you to those who sacrifice themselves to get equality for ALL human beings on the living rock we call Earth.. Know that someone out here loves you for it.
Jessica Jones Jun 2015
a bit over a year of efforts, I

return your stubborn affections, directing romantic intentions towards you.

with your heart

Exalted in the remembrance of your existence, I

sigh towards the heavens,
the hells,
the Earth with her mountainous regions and varied terrains,

the sky and her innumerable
galaxies and novas should come hither and listen to the treasure of a lover. I


the miracle

of your name,

as though it were the answer to every question that has ever mattered.

I weep as the layers of my heart tighten at the sound of your sorrow, it constricts and feels to twist and rob me of senses and oxygen.

please smile and gift that treasured breath of air into my lungs.

should I now mention, that
for some inexplicable reason,

I love you?

Find comfort in my voice.
Feel free to unravel tears of the hardships endured in this life's trials, upon my shoulder

as I do my best to gently recover the fallen shards of every loss you've suffered, with my tender hands and your sharpened memories we'd find a way to salvage the most of these losses.

let me adorn your scar filled soul with a balm of my own making.

let me bring you
a sea of solace to delve into.

Would an infinite caress of kisses, a tsunami of age old yearnings and present desires satisfy your crave for love?

Would I need another person to fill the shoes you decorate the doorstep of my heart with?

With the place mat adorned with an intricately designed Persian rug which display a blooming garden of both our favourite flowers in a way that'd perfect the unusual combination of my tropical forests and your poetic love of romantic flora.

A sight, regardless of how many times seen encases the onlooker in a feeling of love and comfort.

It will say,

" Welcome home my love "

And there will be song birds in the trees,
there will be wind dancing with leaves,

On the eve of summer I will snuggle myself near you, to muster the courage to read you the poetry I'd written all before we'd made it known to those who mattered that we belonged to the other.

Friendly reminder that,

I love you.

And the answer to needing anyone aside from you?

The answer is no.

No one can amount to the endless stream of shooting stars you give me to wish upon, and for you to make a reality.

No one else,
can say my name with such reverence,

that to any who didn't know about us,

my name alone seemed to be one of the most holy and savored of things?

To whisper on a night of troubled sleep as your fingers weave their way to mine, interlocking and silently promise to never let go of this.

This overflowing love..

Why wouldn't I want to keep it?
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