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starry night Nov 2017
i stumble from where i stand
my entire body refuse to get up
minds been hanging for such a long time
now i don't want to choose anymore

been longing for freedom
yet the voices strangled me down
burst my sweat into tears
i can't take it anymore

for whom i walk this road everyday?
keep wondering why
why don't you understand?
'cause laugh it off doesn't work for me anymore
starry night Apr 2017
There was no stars tonight
Dark clouds covered my eyes
Buried me alive
starry night Feb 2017
i've been burned

burned with the same fire

that you gave to me

eerie, they say

but i keep calling your name

cause i just saw a clean getaway

and knowing all of those story are the same
starry night Nov 2016
Kills me every second
Mumbled nonsense

Like a cloudburst
In the middle of the day

Sour if you try to taste
Pleonasm create doubtness

I've been thinking too much
Help me
starry night Sep 2016
There was a time when we don't know each other
I don't know if i will meet you,
and so neither you.
But then time bring us together,
even if at the last moment i see you.
If we get separated by distance
Our heart will remember
Then the time that give us a chance
Will bring us together like a maple tree on September
  Aug 2016 starry night
I have loved him
for far too long
Daily meets
and empty sheets
Will haunt me forever

I have loved him
for far too long
Days turned to weeks
weeks turned to months
And somehow after two years
i'm still waiting

We always joked with each other
"don't talk to me"
and then we'd laugh
I don't know about you
but I stopped laughing two years ago

I have loved him
for far too long
I've been in love with the same boy for four years now
I just wish he knew
Please come back
  Aug 2016 starry night
Had he been proud of you
all these summers, all these years
had he walked you home holding your hand for everyone to see? Had he been taking you to the beach, proud to hold the corners of your waist? Had he worked hard for this girl you gave him for him to deserve her everything?
So does he really love you more than the blinds closed in his windows,
more than the sheets to cover you under, more than the lust, the kisses, the passion of cravings, does he really show the love as he say. As he says "I love you". Had he really dedicated all the sweetness to calling you Sweetie? Or he's a sugar coated guy with plastic gloves and masks in advertisement of a sweet temptation to a diabetic?

for Y.U
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