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I ride the waves of sorrow
to join eternal bliss
I await a kindly person
to plant a gentle kiss

curled up in a cuddle
fused into
the one telling the one listening

my big sister
recites Yeats
she whispers:

“Come away o human child...”
as the thunderstorm breaks outside
“ the waters and the wild...”

as the night breaks open
over the poem
“ a world more full of weeping...”

the lightning illuminates each line
“...than you will ever understand...”
I cry into her body great heaving sobs

and she says: “Shhh...shhh.. it’s alright! ”
and I only half believe her
her death etched

into my mind
in the coming soon-to-be
Under the beat
between the notes
inside the groove

(Tower Theater: May, 1974)
haiku attempt 1.

the bums are barbequing

rats by the river

I'll bring the barbeque sauce.

haiku 2.

with billions of stars
and billions of planets
what if we are it.

god's experiment is failing.

haiku attempt no. 3

I forget to hit "draft".
Words are worn out
till we repolish
to repeat anew.
10w after a long time
I live my life in a series of highway exits and parking lots. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of a world between traffic  and sob with longing
The secrets in your pockets
have fallen on the ground
I gathered up enough to
recover every sound
I'm not afraid to keep them
and move while holding on
Whatever you are saying
I'm hearing as a song
I've learned to know the music
with every sense I have
Return to you the silence
the rest you needed back
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