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Fahad shah Jul 2018
I don't know why,
Why I escape the shades
and curse the sun for getting me warm!
I don't why my soul is flinching the world!

The horror of nights and that grimness
of days, don't let me sleep or remain awake
I don't know, if I am still living or
This life has deserted me before a long!

The soothing music tears me apart and
That lethal silence intimidates my fragile heart!
I don't know if I still belong to myself or
I have been snatched away before a long!
Fahad shah Jul 2018
O God !! I can't convince and
they can't feel......
Change their hearts if
You won't change my tongue
Fahad shah Jul 2018
Don't you ever leave me
Coz we have been bonded
For an infinite time
Without you  i don't have
a journey, nor any destination
I see nothing except you
NeverLeaveMe love poem thankful
Fahad shah Jun 2018
A blink of words
That can't be said
Or even be written
She is poem of thousand words

She is fierce and gentle
All at once
She's a song
An unending song

She is a sparkle
She is a shine
She is the only thing
That i want to call mine

She is my everyday
And an everynight
She is every morning
And an every twilight

She is all i know
She is all i see
She is a sweet melody
She is an  unmatching rhythm
Fahad shah Jun 2018
We had thought of escaping the nights together
We had thought of drawing figures on the dark wall,
Who has freed us from these evil cages?

Do you remember when we used to walk together
Do you remember when we used to laugh together,
Yes i do, i remember when I fell down!

Aren't you the same whose name i had written on my breast?
Aren't you the same whose name I used to chant?
Weren't you an unending poem for me?

What should I say now, where are you friend?
Or should I say, come your presence is being missed?
It is like, without you neither do i live nor do i die!
Miss love hurt separation left dying remember
Fahad shah Jun 2018
Without you, I am so restless...
Only you are visible in my eyes
I  lost you, I lost the sleep of the nights
I have said everything in silence
We moved on, without knowing anything,
I had got the world when I had got you...
I still remember  your smiles
All you say is intoxicating..
I still get lost in your thoughts
I had peace in my heart when I had you!
I am all yours,
Don't care, whether I exist or not
Only your presence remained after being separated
You were so close even after being far
I ain't satisfied even after the millions of meetings
I lost everything when I lost you...!!

— The End —