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 Mar 2022 Debanjana Saha
Why would I be scary
Really I am not afraid
Because I will go down
To the grave's cemetery
After I passed away...
 Mar 2022 Debanjana Saha
And the cloud is formed
The sky halfway is dark
And the blue to the half
Nothing on but air blow
Passing through the lane
And the plants breath in
Giving oxygen on earth,
And all living will respire
The way I am respiring
When I breathe the air.
And l look over, on the sky.
It's your name on the cloud
Some days are good
Or I think they really are
I soak up the sun
And reach for the stars
Some days are bad
I suppose they really are
The sun seems too hot
And the stars — too far.
Now all skiers hill up alley
A breakthrough for the Sun: rays fall on every object equally, and sinners become unmasked in the company of the holy.

Unmoved the pages

Stilled in a frame

Threadbare, the words disappear
We split up despite the fact that there were no actual conflicts between us. We believed that friendship needed some conflicts to survive.
 Feb 2022 Debanjana Saha
When I deep sight into the sky
I can see nothing but reflection
 Feb 2022 Debanjana Saha
There's itch in the heart
The itch is untranslated
To the air and infiltrate...
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