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Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
Would this puzzle be
Easier to solve
If the pieces were
Crystal clear?
Mrs Timetable Aug 2022
I knew you loved me
When you curled up inside me
And took my pain away
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
Grainy images
From the
Darkroom of
Your psyche
Develop quickly
Fade slowly
Mrs Timetable Apr 2022
Why am I captivated by
What I don't even know
What you are doing
Right now
Don't tell me
I like being in this
Mesmerizing stare
Of wonder
I don't really need to know what you are doing...just knowing you are alive is enough
Mrs Timetable Oct 2023
Do you ever wish the
Pleasant visionaries
Of your daydreams
Were aware
They lived in your
When 2 daydreams meet. Maybe they know.
I really loved the definition of daydreams
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
These are the days of blue
Days of sadness
Of the torn away days
That last too long
I wish I could hold them for you
In a big paper sack
Recycle them into new
Instead all I can try to do
Is hold onto your pain
While you go away and hide
From these days of blue
I know he would tell you too
The son the brother
The husband the father
Most of all the friend
Grief he understood
He knew sadness and pain
He held the losses for many
If he could
He would change the color
For you
From blue to a new hue
For my dear sis and her daughters -the anniversary time of the death of husband and father.    He was the best of men. A very Best friend.
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
And I ran with
The ribbon cutting
Ceremonial scissors
Celebrating my brave
Resolution to not
Make bad decisions
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
No one gets you
Your not useful
In a crisis
Poor box of donuts
I will buy you
And you’re on sale?
I will buy two
There was no paper supplies so I got donuts. They looked sad. I didn’t really buy 2. That was for a dramatic affect.
Mrs Timetable Jan 2020
She looks good without it too,
but she's like 25, so...

She doesn't work at Target anymore:
She goes thru jobs like hairdos.

Her kids are trying to find her a husband.
I caught myself making a 'why?' face
and I had to auto correct it
because I was actually talking to her.

She said the only men her age who want marriage
really only want a cook or caregiver.

Now we know why you're single.
Mrs Timetable Oct 2020
Screaming out
From the inside
Roaring as a train whistle
Only the restless can hear
And then...
Fades away
It doesn't last long but it catches your attention and takes over
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
The butterfly lay on the ground
Fluttering and screaming
Someone had hit it
With their big machines
Knocking it to the ground
With her babies nearby
Someone with no heart
Someone who took no pride in life
She couldn’t tell me her pleas
I couldn’t understand her agony
She was in pain I could see
Distressed little one
Delicate we had to be
Got her wings straight
She will fly again
Hope she repairs fully
She looks worn but still pretty
How could anyone just leave it
Still alive or not
From here or not
Rich or not
Speaking the same tongue or not
Is the conscience dead
Or are some just not born with one?
Hit and run drivers have no conscience We witnessed one last night of a car hitting a woman and speeding off.
Mrs Timetable Jan 2021
Like a broken
Empty dollhouse
Fully exposed for everyone see
Walls down
I peer inside...
And there is nothing
But sad loneliness
A giant 200 year old tree fell on a beautiful two story home I admired for years and now they are tearing it down. It was very eerie seeing inside the empty home. All the front walls were gone.  It looked helpless.
Mrs Timetable Jan 2020
What’s  a healthier choice?
The drive thru coffee?
Or the get out of the car
walk several steps
to standing in line
working your brain to choose carrying a big pink box exercising your muscles
all the way back several steps again to your car donut shop?

I think it’s obvious
I guess it depends on where you live. Rationalizing bad but yummy choices
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
Invent the money
Blood for the down

I need some air
That’s gonna cost you a pretty fare

Water I can’t live without
Costs you to drink from the spout

Do you want my life I say?
No- not really
it’s not worth much
these days
I can’t believe the things we have to pay for
Mrs Timetable Oct 2022
I can see the
Unfinished man
In pencil
That drawing that's missing
The outline of you
The curves of you forming
But still not whole
Still seeing who you might be
What moves you make
I can even see where
You have been erased
Mistakes have been drawn over
Paper is worn a little
Even torn
I'll be patient
I'll wait
For you to fill in
Get your lines straight
For you to be complete

Drawn in ink
Inspired by my nieces incomplete anatomy drawings in pencil
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
Dr Metaphor
Why do I feel like garbage?
Should I just take myself out?
Kick myself to the curb

Of course not
Maybe you should try recycling
There are still good things in you
That can become priceless treasures
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
Dr. Metaphor
I’m so burned out
Like overdone toast
I feel useless

You need a good buttering up
If that doesn’t work
Then feed the birds
They love crumbs
Taking care of others needs helps us fill ours
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
Sounds like
Fun play
What if they all
Showed up
On the same day
Mrs Timetable Dec 2023
Seeing the soft red silk
White green yellow hues
The arrangement
It touched my heart
I nearly cried
I never saw anything this beautiful
And spoke so elegantly
Except you
Inspired by a friend's reaction to a Bouquet
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
10 word. Accidental
Mrs Timetable May 2022
Even if the lyrics
To our song
Were none
It could be
A beautiful one...
My heart is
To be filled
By your notes and chords
Go ahead
Practice on me...
I am here
Sometimes there just aren't enough words to express our deepest emotion...but music alone can convey it...just take the time to listen
My adoring stare
Loves you
Like I'm yours
But I stay behind
With my eyes down
So you may not know
For fear you may erase
Both our smiles
With the doubt
In your mind
Chances gone forever
Mrs Timetable Aug 2020
I want to get away
Get away to that place
That place with the balcony, the umbrella
And the cold sand

What if  I can’t
What if I can’t escape
Escape to that space
That place in another land

Would you please just
Just give me that touch
The escaping sensation  
Of your healing hands
Your writing hand needs a vacation anyways
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
It fell so hard
It rolled on the floor
I just stared
Was it my heart?
It almost broke
Oreo cookie double stuffed
I ate it anyways
My inner rebel said it was ok
It was intact thanks to “the stuff”
So is my happy heart
By Alter ego: Evil Snarf and The ****** Poet. A little bit of the ridiculous
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
The Jar Jar hot pocket
Unicorn on the cob
Chile verde beak plate
Pickled innards sensation
Most of it recalled
Or no returns accepted
Last dinners of choice
During the panic invasion
Finding your usual go to items during panic shopping is not easy. I’m seeing weird items I didn’t know existed. These were Evil Snarfs choices and ****** the Poet wrote them down. Never sending him again. (“Unicorn on the cob” courtesy of a poem by Mr Carlo Gomez)
Mrs Timetable Sep 2020
Fashioning a new crutch
For one’s old crutch

Might never heal
One’s achilles heel
Said the Psychiatrist Orthopedic Podiatrist Therapist
Mrs Timetable Feb 2023
I have something
In my eye
I think its love
What kind?
I'm not sure
There are
So many kinds
I feel
Love takes on many forms
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
Contoured cheeks
Sculptured resurfaced shapes
Concealed to show everything
Pinched nose thin
Caterpillar lash tops flying away
Plump overdrawn lips
Shimmered cheeks
Highbrows your eyebrows
No pores or face fuzz allowed!
Packed on fake skin layers
Glass reflections
Perfect cat eyeliner
              Cats don’t wear eyeliner!
Who are you fake doll face?
Like stormtroopers
You look all the same
I used to know you
I think a version I saw once
But your craft makes you sell
Forces you to be someone else
You look so sad like a pretty
Doll with a fake smile
I love makeup just as much as the next crazy makeup collector. It’s just gone too far on social media. It’s hard to look at anymore so I just don’t.
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
My hand was so skinny
Yours strong and gentle
We connected them together
So nervous to touch
We were the observatory
The new couple
How did we look?
I felt safe
Yours so warm
A mans hands I never held
In this way for love
I still grab these hands
When I feel sad and or glad
Always to feel safe
Even to calm my cries
Or my pains
There to heal me
Make me know everything’s ok
They are so smart
They teach
They write
But best of all they hold me
And they said “I do” and
They most certainly do
Thank you for having two
First time we held hands I remember like yesterday. It was at an Observatory
Mrs Timetable Jan 2020
Standing in my doorway
After an evening out with friends
He asked can I give you a kiss
I said yes
But I kept giggling
And giggling
Every time he got close
I kept giggling
I kept giggling
I couldn't stop
Obvious nerves
He waited so patient for me to stop
But I didn’t stop
Finally he covered my eyes

First kiss
This kiss was from my husband of 25 years. My one and only love. I think it’s pretty awesome.
Mrs Timetable Jul 2020
Its too deep
Right now

No diving
No laps
No splashing

For a while

Maybe the
Won't see me
Stay quiet pain
Mrs Timetable Jan 23
Your font
Makes you
Perception, unconscious brain emotions
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
Mr. T to Mrs. T:
“What month comes after March?”
Mrs. T responded:
“April fool!”
Sorry, I had to
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
The uncertainty in the world
Makes certain things absolute
The certainty of our love
And reassurance is certainly
A bonus
Sometimes we need to hear a bonus
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
Can the
Language of love
Be lost
In translation
If it’s not
The language
You dream in?
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
Did you forget to kiss me?
Did I forget to kiss you?
He forgot to say
“Kiss the bride”

Sealed by the
The touch with lips
Never a day goes by
With a forgotten kiss
Our “kiss the bride”moment was funny. It was forgotten to be said and he presented us as as married couple and we both turned around and just stared at him like “you forgot something!”
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
Sometimes there
Just isn’t a pill
It’s just the will
Of a grey day

Go away ugly coat weather
Hide under my bed
Come out when we need you
But just not today

Twirl in my PJs
Because that’s what I need
I crave more sleep
So down my head I lay

Maybe tomorrow
Maybe not even then
I’ll deal with it when i need to
Then I can pick up my pen
Some days are a complete waste of thought. Try again tomorrow maybe. For a fellow poet and any others having a bad day.
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
Let me follow you all over
And be nosey better than Rover
Let me see what you have
I will get all cozy on your lap
Let me get all up in your face
My whiskers poke your space

Let me lick your feet and toes
You know you like my cold nose
Let me eat my scrumpchies
They fill up my tummy
Let me play with flinky pamingo
I go where she goes

Let me see the cheep cheeps
I wanna catch one with my teeth
Let me hide from the mower
And oh no not the blower
Let me see who’s coming at the gate
In case I need to decide my fate

Let me give you bites
They leave imprints so light
Let me play with water
I’m the mamas daughter
Let me sleep on your bed
For a short nap of my head

I know you will let me
Do all these things I bet
For as long as I live
As long as I can give
Im here for the pets
Animals are sweet companions. I know not everyone can or is able or wants to have a pet but those who do-you know what I mean.
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
We used to have the
Drive thru Fotomat booth
Made our own coffee at home
Now we have the speedy
Drive thru coffee house
And make fast photos on our own
Merge them both and
Give us the drive up selfie booth
For pics with our instant coffee
Sorry kids Fotomat was real just google it.
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
Red roses in the vase
Purple violets in the grass
Too much fiber at lunch
This too shall pass

(You guessed the rest)
“This too shall pass”-had to use in in a different way.  😐 Not a true story. Idea from Ben Noah Suri
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
The impending train wreck
Showing up doubtful
Mourning the losses in advance
A ticket to ride
With an expiration date?
Putting in an preorder for
Refunds on congratulations
Hoping this train doesn’t jump
The tracks once it leaves the station
You aren’t the conductor
Or the passenger
Step aside and watch
Get out of the way
Cringing, hoping and praying
You can’t look away
This is not a game
Now pronounced farewell
Yourselves will be to blame
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
Looked in the fun house mirrors
Then walked away in thought
The distorted view of myself
Really was because of the circus
Distorted views created by unrealistic settings
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
So many things racing

Running through my mind

They could try skipping

Or twirling

Or hopscotching once in a while

Or maybe monkey on a skateboard

Need I say more
When worries just won’t stop
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020

Yet So

Something so small is also so colossal
Mrs Timetable Jul 2020
Wrapped up

In a variety of
Beautiful colors

The gift is ours...
Mrs Timetable May 2020
My gift-basket case
Was a basket of regifted
Shrink wrapped
Coupons for social time
With distant people
Who wants one?
The rules are getting to me
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
Deja vu
Did you invite her?
I didn’t
She showed up anyway
So strange
Next time mix it up
And invite
What’s her name?
Jamais vu
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
Running away from yourself

Shows you have the strength to run

And it’s ok to run away for a while

Just make sure you come back
We all experience this at times. Don’t be too ******* yourself or anyone else for that matter.
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
Coming from the deep
Welling up in my throat
The acid from my
Bean, cheese and onion burrito
I wish I was a goat

By:  Evil Snarf and The ****** Poet
Alter ego writing duo. Ideas from Evil Snarf and The ****** Poet writes it down
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
No shelter
No in
No place
Some people’s shelter in place
Is right where they are
Sleeping, sitting, standing
In a ***** coat
Grateful to have a place to be stuck at.
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